
Yoga is often misunderstood as merely a series of physical exercises, but it is much more than that. It is a comprehensive system of knowledge designed to help individuals gain better control over their minds, leading to greater peace, happiness, and a sense of connection to the reality beyond them.

Yoga is inclusive and can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their religious beliefs, without compromising their original faith. It offers valuable tools for personal growth and mental well-being that can also benefit those who identify as atheists. Ultimately, yoga is a journey within to seek peace and lasting happiness.

Chitt Vritti Nirodh: Yoga is not about performance of physical exercise or about physical fitness. Its objective is to bring absolute peace to the mind.

The World does not really understand Yoga: Yoga is primarily a mental exercise. Most people wrongly see it as a physical one and thereby miss out on the vast benefits it offers.

There is no happiness without mental peace: We all are searching for happiness that is unconditional – wherein the mind does not set conditions for itself to be happy and is happy regardless of what is going on. And, unconditional happiness can only come from keeping the mind peaceful. Effective techniques of meditation can help.

Primary Breathing Exercises: Two exercises to lay the foundation for yogic breathing, pranayam, and meditation.

The Advanced Meditation Exercise (TAME): This meditation technique is an incredibly powerful way to keep the mind peaceful. It is prescribed in Bhagwad Gita, the primary book of Indian spiritual heritage. It derives its power by activating three key things in us: detachment, stillness, and transformation.

All spiritualism through one meditation technique? Could one meditation-breathing technique replicate most of the things taught by Bhagwad Gita, the epitome of Indian spiritual heritage?  

Why TAME meditation appears to work better than other techniques: TAME meditation appears to be more effective than other meditation techniques because it activates three essential elements of meditation: detachment, transformation, and stillness. Meditation needs all three.