The Gita Project (TGP)

The Gita Project aims at uncovering and publicising new insights from Indian spiritualism’s primary book with the aim of improving our daily lives. The process of discovery of new insights is done through systematic interpretation as well as software-based mapping of words, ideas, and verses. The articles that share the resulting insights may be found here.

I have had the privilege of reading and analysing Bhagwad Gita for the last 30+ years. In this time, I have come to realise that there is much in the Book that is either not publicly available (unknown?), or known but not paid much attention to. The Gita Project (TGP) is thus my personal undertaking with the aim to fill two gaps that I see:

  1. Uncover new ways in which Gita’s verses could be interpreted. 
  2. Publicise teachings of Gita that are already known but that do not get the attention they deserve. 

Bhagwad Gita is demonstrably ahead of Modern Science in critical areas such as upkeep of mental health and well being (for example: written as back as 1st to 3rd century BC, it has sections on how to do meditation; even today, Modern Science struggles to understand meditation, let alone come up with a meditation technique).

The Gita Project: A high level view of The Gita Map created as part of this work

The Gita Project Methodology 

As part of this effort, TGP will systematically study each Gita verse using the methodology described below. And, it will use software tools to map connections (Sanskrit words and their different meanings, topics covered in verses, the verses themselves, and areas of contemporary interest). Software is thus to be used to uncover connections and insights that would otherwise be difficult to see. 

Here are the steps followed to understand each verse of Gita: 

  • Look at how the available sources interpret the verse. 
  • List the individual words of the verse:
    • Record all the Sanskrit meanings of each word.
    • Look at where else in Gita the same Sanskrit words have been used and what the meanings and contexts have been in the other verses. 
    • Reconstruct the meaning of the verse “ground up” by connecting the different meanings of the words in different combinations to see what interpretations emerge for the verse. 
  • Update and maintain a common dictionary of Sanskrit Words. Each verse using the same word will thus see a common meaning and commentary on the word. This will provide insights into different intended interpretations.
  • Look at the names being used as these provide an indication of the specific nature of the person that is being emphasized. For example, Arjun has been called by different names — Arjun (e.g. meaning silver and possibly representing a clean mind), Dhananjay (meaning winner of wealth — possibly representing spiritual riches that can flow from following the advice of the verse) and so on. 
  • Assess the context of the verse (the chapter, the opening verses of the chapter, and the immediate preceding verses) to see how this informs the possible interpretations that emerged above. Context can also come from topics that are being discussed or questions to which Krishna is responding. 
  • Look at the idea being explained in the verse and where else it has been mentioned in the book. See if these connections can further refine the interpretation. Examples of such ideas could yoga, karma, senses, discipline, detachment etc. 
  • Create a map with the above information to connect the verse with the following:
    • Sanskrit words in the verse
    • Concepts / ideas explained in the verse
    • Typical questions related to Gita (for example, ‘How can I perform yog as mentioned in Gita?’)
    • Contemporary issues of today where Gita may provide guidance (for example mental health).
    • Scientific concepts that we may or may not know about 
  • Finally, look at the emerging connections to do the following:
    • Draw insights related to the verse and finalise its interpretation. 
    • Add to the other connections that the verse is informing (concepts and ideas, questions related to Gita, and contemporary issues). 
  • As more verses get interpreted this way, some of the earlier ones may need updating based on the new isights drawn and the connections shared.  

The Gita Map

The Map has a node for each chapter
Each Verse is a node under the respective chapter
Each verse node is connected to linked words, questions and concepts. It also has text entry.
A Sanskrit dictionary is maintained to ensure a common word-reference is used and evolved for common words across verses. Presently, the words are organized using Roman script and a Devnagri script option is to be added.
Scientific concepts linked to verses
Select spiritual actions of interest.This list will be expanded.
Select spiritual topic. This list will be expanded.

Compile and publish insights

Next, insights from these connections are compiled and published here. These focus on practical things that can help us improve our daily lives.

Closing Note

Ultimately, the aim of this exercise is to generate learning that is new and beneficial. This learning is published in another page – which can be found here.