Modern approaches towards depression and stress are not working as they do not understand the mind that creates them. It's time to rethink our approach.
TAME mediation (prescribed by Bhagwad Gita)1 appears to work much better than other meditation techniques. That is because it activates three essential elements of meditation: detachment, transformation, and stillness. Effective meditation needs all three. The TAME meditation appears to be far more powerful than other meditation techniques.2 It is able…
ly grind. This can feel like floating above the world. Don’t get divorced from reality, but don’t get drowned by it either.
Each of us likely has “mental shelters” that we often take refuge in. In difficult time, these shelters might disappear and this loss may create distress. It helps to cultivate “spiritual shelters” as these are more resilient.
I call a “mental reflex” the immediate mental reaction to any event in terms of thoughts and emotions. As a person strives to advance spiritually, this first reaction and its after-effects need to be replaced with what I would call a “spiritual reflex”.
A breathing exercise that jump-started my spiritual journey.
We all are looking for happiness that is unconditional -- wherein the mind does not set conditions for itself to be happy and is happy regardless of what is going on. And, unconditional happiness can only come from keeping the mind peaceful. Effective techniques of meditation can help here.
Pernicious drivers inside our minds force us to act without thought and also make us unhappy. Practicing pranayama and meditation can significantly help.
This article describes simple breathing exercises that can be used for Meditation and Pranayam. The exercises provide a strong grounding for Yoga and for the mind to operate and rest. But they also need practice.
A life full of hurry cannot possibly advance spiritually.