It is possible to acquire significant level of control over one’s mind. The approach may need to be radically different from what you might expect.
Mindfulness initiatives will miss their potential till they addresses the inherent restlessness of the mind.
What does it take to keep advancing spiritually? Persisting with spiritual routines.
A scientific, experiment-based approach towards spiritualism and ancient Indian texts could serve us well.
It’s not based on money. The super-rich will find it almost impossible to acquire. So will the very poor. Rest of us have a chance if we work towards it.
Here’s another way to look at your place of residence.
Happiness does not come from fulfilling desires. Once we truly understand this, we have taken our first step towards being happy.
A breathing exercise that jump-started my spiritual journey.
We all are looking for happiness that is unconditional -- wherein the mind does not set conditions for itself to be happy and is happy regardless of what is going on. And, unconditional happiness can only come from keeping the mind peaceful. Effective techniques of meditation can help here.
Pernicious drivers inside our minds force us to act without thought and also make us unhappy. Practicing pranayama and meditation can significantly help.