Spiritual Me

Spiritualism can make the world naturally happier and healthier. But, many may not understand it well enough to benefit from it. This website aims to change that.

Being spiritual makes life a lot better. In my experience it has directly provided three strong benefits — a meditation technique to keep my mind unconditionally happy, the ability to counter mental-health challenges such as stress and even depression, and a measure of control over the physical body (for example to reduce and even block physical pain). The result is a much happier and healthier life for me. 

I believe that one should combine a quest for spiritualism with a scientific mindset. Adopting this mindset, I accept that I may not know much about a subject, but I am open to ideas. I will test these ideas and accept them only after they pass the test(s). This is the approach I have used in my spiritual learning — which I share in this website. 

In my research, the best sources of spiritual knowledge are ancient Indian spiritual texts, especially the Bhagwad Gita. This book is widely considered the epitome of Indian spiritualism. Given the richness of the Sanskrit Language, in which Gita is written, interpreting and putting the teaching into practice can take a long time. For this reason, I share my learning here with the hope that I may save some time for the readers. 

Here are some articles that one could start with: 

What does it mean to be spiritual: “Spiritual” and “spiritual advance” are words used frequently in my writing. In this article, I try to lay out a simple description of a “spiritual person” and what I mean by “spiritual advance”.

Scientific Spirituality: A scientific, experiment-based approach towards spiritualism and ancient Indian texts could serve us well.

The Advanced Meditation Exercise (TAME): This meditation technique is an incredibly powerful way to keep the mind peaceful. It is prescribed in Bhagwad Gita, the primary book of Indian spiritual heritage. It derives its power by activating three key things in us: detachment, stillness, and transformation.

Use Meditation to counter depression and stress: Modern approaches towards depression and stress are not working as they do not understand the mind that creates them. It’s time to rethink our approach.

TAME Meditation can block out pain: TAME meditation technique can block out pain. This works best for pain that is constant and predictable. But it needs practice. And, Medical Science needs to pay attention. 

There is no happiness without mental peace: We all are searching for happiness that is unconditional – wherein the mind does not set conditions for itself to be happy and is happy regardless of what is going on. And, unconditional happiness can only come from keeping the mind peaceful. Effective techniques of meditation can help.