Right role models

We need roles models today that are different from the ones we have been seeing.

Today’s role models do not fight their battles inside themselves. And even if they do, they are admired mostly for leaving behind positive changes in the world. Perhaps rightly so. But the real prize of spiritual advance (the sense of internal happiness and peace) lies within. It is not visible. The struggle to achieve it is silent and invisible to the world. Besides, without such internal victory, there is no enduring positive change the person can bring outside.

All people wage this internal struggle between good and bad tendencies within themselves. We need role models whose internal struggles set examples for others to follow. It should become clear to that no one starts off being strong from within. We start as flawed individuals and yet, many of us overcome personal flaws. These are the heroes that the world needs to learn about today.

Recommended Reading

Scientific Spirituality: A scientific, experiment-based approach towards spiritualism and ancient Indian texts could serve us well.

Quality of Life depends upon our skill at remaining happy: In a fast-moving world that increases the frequency of setbacks we encounter and where mental health is increasingly a problem, people need to build skills that help them consciously remain happy. 

The world has no clue: the truth is hidden from our eyes. It is verifiable. And yet, the world is clueless about it.