Let it be

Excessive stimulation of senses is detrimental to spiritual progress. Abstinence and moderation are pre-requisites for brining peace to the mind.

‘Ingesting’ less of sense-inputs is spiritually uplifting.1 This probably applies to all sense inputs. Some examples that stand out in terms of benefits they offer include:

  • Eat moderately and less (without harming health).
  • Avoid very spicy food.
  • Avoid noise and loud music.
  • Avoid discretionary screen-time (especially videos and movies).
  • Avoid constant interruptions.

Exceptions could include sense-inputs that are mild in intensity and potentially spiritually uplifting. e.g. visiting a place of worship. Listening to an inspiring talk… etc.

Reframed, this is saying that when our life gets filled with intense sense-inputs, the mind gets so fired up that it becomes temporarily incapable of achieving peace. For it to get back into a peaceful state, the senses need to be quietened. And this quietening comes from sense abstinence. Meditation and yogic breathing (pranayam) help.

So, each time there’s a discretionary opportunity to consume something through the senses, it’s wise to ‘let it be’.


1: Note: by sense inputs, I mean experiences that stimulate one or more of the following senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Examples of intense sense-inputs include:

  • Sight: binge watching videos.
  • Hearing: listening to loud music or to intense music for some time.
  • Taste: spicy or pungent foods.

Recommended Reading

Scientific Spirituality: A scientific, experiment-based approach towards spiritualism and ancient Indian texts could serve us well.

What does it mean to be spiritual “Spiritual” and “spiritual advance” are words used frequently in my writing. In this article, I try to lay out a simple description of a “spiritual person” and what I mean by “spiritual advance”.

Why should I be more spiritual? Being more spiritual makes me happy everyday. It gives me a level of control over my mind that I did not earlier have. And, it gives me a more satisfied life. 

There is no happiness without mental peace: If happiness is not unconditional, it will vanish. Vanishing happiness is not what we are looking for. And unconditional happiness can only come from keeping the mind peaceful (using yoga and meditation techniques).

Experience Heaven in this life itself: One does not need to wait for an after-life to experience what heaven might feel like. But it needs focus, effort, and persistence.

The Advanced Meditation Exercise (TAME) : This meditation technique is an incredibly powerful way to keep the mind peaceful. It is prescribed in Bhagwad Gita, the primary book of Indian spiritual heritage. It derives its power by activating three key things in us: detachment, stillness, and transformation.

Why TAME meditation appears to work better than other techniques: TAME meditation appears to be more effective than other meditation techniques because it activates three essential elements of meditation: detachment, transformation, and stillness. Meditation needs all three.